
iron-oxide offers some Rust style exception handling and rudimentary pattern matching.

The Problem

Exception handling in JavaScript and TypeScript can be notoriously cumbersome and confusing. For example, Array.prototype.find returns undefined and Array.prototype.indexOf returns -1; the return types for these exceptions don't match and thus can be confusing, especially for newer developers. JS also allows you to throw errors and catch them using try/catch blocks. The problem compounds itself even more when we start using promises and asynchronous code.

The Solution

In Rust, we have two types in the standard library Option and Result for handling exceptions. Option is used to catch failure in a part of the application where it doesn't make sense to panic, or throw in the case of JavaScript. Result is similar to Option except that it can contain the reason for the failure, allowing us to say why a function failed.

Option comes in two flavors:

  • Some representing success or a value
  • None representing failure or lack of a value

Result also comes in two flavors:

  • Ok representing success or a value
  • Err representing failure, or lack of a value, with a reason

Pattern Matching

Rust provides pattern matching through the use of the match keyword. iron-oxide attempts to replicate this by including a match function.